SQLMDX - Connect VS Code to MSQL

MSSQL Create User

You have many options when connecting VS Code to MS SQL Server. We suggest operating on the priciple of granting the least security possible to get the task completed. Have your DBA create a new user and assign it Read Only access to the target AdventureWorks2019 database. You could also use your current login as long as permissions have been granted to the Source database so the metadata can be read.

Everything queried out of the Source database is saved to your local work directory. You will be able to confirm the metadata selected contains no actual data. SQL Server logs will also confirm what was queried.

Connect to MSSQL using granted credentials

  • Select SQL Server Extention
  • First time execution, libraries will be updated
  • Add New Connection
  • Enter Connection Parameters

MSSQL Connection Credentials

This example is for a normal SQL Login while trusting the Server Certificate.

You can also choose Authentication = Windows Authentication if that has been grated by your DBA.

After you are done press Connect

MSSQL Successful Connection

Upon successful connection you should see objects pulled from the SQL Instance.

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